Allstate Northern Ireland

Allstate Northern Ireland (ANI), formerly called Northbrook Technology, was established in Belfast in 1998 and provides high-quality software development services and business process outsourcing solutions in support of our U.S. parent’s global operations.

ANI plays a strategic role in developing, transforming and maintaining the various technology platforms used to support Allstate’s day-to-day business. From our inception, we have built a culture of corporate responsibility that focuses on our commitment to our community, our environment and our people. This year, we published our first Corporate Responsibility Report, which can be found online here.

Among our top accomplishments in 2011:
Community: Our efforts in supporting the communities we live and work in include the donations and volunteer time given by ANI to local and global charities. In 2011, Allstate Northern Ireland employees raised nearly £85,000 (US$132,000) across all three offices in Belfast, L’Derry and Strabane, and donated more than 4,000 hours through volunteering. For every hour of volunteered employee time donated, the company matches it.

allstate northern ireland office locations

ANI is also dedicated to developing the local economy and supporting the local IT industry. We are involved in several initiatives aimed at encouraging young people to consider careers in computing and offering students work experience opportunities in a range of business areas. In addition, we encourage employees to represent the IT industry at various events to provide guidance to companies on best practices.

Environment: While ANI doesn’t have factories or manufacture products, we still believe we have a responsibility to protect the environment. We comply with all relevant legislation and minimize our impact on the environment by conserving energy and purchasing 100 percent of our electricity from renewable sources, conserving water, managing waste by encouraging large-scale recycling efforts, raising awareness of environmental matters among our employees, and implementing a Greener Travel program that includes a very successful Bike to Work program as well as videoconferencing and car-sharing options.

People: Just as stewardship of the environment is important to our operations, so is stewardship of our workforce. Because we place a high importance on making sure that employees are engaged and happy in their work, our people strategy focuses on three main areas: work/life balance, tailoring work schedules to meet employees’ needs through remote work, flex-time, and career breaks; employee health and well-being, promoting healthier lifestyles for our employees through health information sessions, flu shots, and competitive health care benefits; and diversity, hiring high representations of females, minorities and employees with disabilities, as well as employees who are older than the normal age of retirement.

Statement from Bro McFerran, Managing Director, Allstate Northern Ireland

At Allstate Northern Ireland (ANI) we want to make a difference in Our People, Our Community and Our Environment. Since we commenced business in 1999, ANI employee volunteers have raised money for local and international charities, donated countless hours to innovative volunteering programs, developed working policies to improve the health and well-being of our employees, helped build the IT economy in Northern Ireland, made strides in reducing our impact on the environment, and much more.

Under the leadership of Rose Kelly, Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, our comprehensive Corporate Responsibility program in Northern Ireland has won multiple accolades, including the highly prestigious Northern Ireland Responsible Company of the Year 2011–12 business award. As Managing Director, I take great pride in our efforts and achievements and pay tribute to the commitment of everyone at ANI who works on our wide range of community service initiatives to make a difference.