Business Practices

Allstate sells a promise — to be there when it matters most, to help make things right. So trust lies at the heart of every relationship we have.

Why We Care

Earning the trust of our customers, employees, agency owners, suppliers, investors, policyholders and the public means always acting with integrity. Allstate upholds strong ethical practices in the ways we invest and manage our assets, monitor our own risks, and work with our partners and suppliers.

Our focus on responsible business practices builds resiliency in our supply chain, and it helps us manage our risks and opportunities and evolve to meet the changing needs of our customers and communities.

As Allstate’s business grows, our commitment to transparency will not only help us meet growing expectations; also will hold us accountable for our actions and performance, improve decision making, and strengthen trust with our stakeholders.

What We’re Doing

We focus on integrating our sustainable business practices and standards throughout our entire supply chain. This includes establishing sustainable procurement policies and working with suppliers to implement sound environmental policies. It also means investing in new efforts to increase supplier diversity and help such suppliers become more competitive.

We also ensure that our investment decisions are aligned with our company values and deliver on our commitments to customers and communities. Our growing Social Responsibility Investment portfolio continues to support affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization efforts, as well as other sustainability-related projects.

We also regularly assess potential corporate risks and opportunities, including those related to climate change.

How We’re Doing

We are on target to achieve our supplier diversity goal of spending nine percent of Allstate’s total procurement with businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and members of the LGBT community by 2015. One notable achievement for 2011 was the launch of a 12-month mentorship program for diverse business owners to help them strengthen their businesses.

We also remain dedicated to expanding our sustainable supply chain policies, and focusing on areas that pose potential risks to our consumers or the environment.

In addition, we recognize the importance of sharing our involvement in public policy issues — a growing concern for several of our stakeholders. So this year, for the first time, we published a detailed report of such actions and policies. Read more here.

supplier diversity

Looking Forward

We will continue to look for opportunities to strengthen our policies on sustainable procurement and proactively ensure that our suppliers are investing in sustainable business practices. We will also continue to build our diverse supplier mentorship program to help new businesses grow as well as secure the services that we need.

We remain dedicated to transparency and will continue to report annually on our public policy activities and engagement in external organizations, programs and initiatives.

Key Performance Indicators and Goals

Business Practices: Employee Diversity

Earn a spot on The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity® list on an annual basis. DiversityInc’s Top 50 measures four key areas: CEO Commitment, Human Capital, Corporate and Organizational Communications, and Supplier Diversity.

Companies must score above average in all four areas to earn a spot on the list and demonstrate strong consistency across the board in their diversity-management initiatives. Companies are measured within their industry classifications.


2011 — Achieved. Ranked 43rd among DiversityInc’s Top 50 Companies for Diversity.
*Allstate has been notified that we have received this honor for 2012 as well (moving up to the 37th position—up six spots from the 2011 ranking)
2010 — Did not achieve.
2009 — Did not achieve.
2008 — Named to Top 25 Noteworthy Companies for Diversity, DiversityInc Magazine.
2007 — Achieved.
2006 — Achieved.

Read more on Employee Diversity >

Business Practices: Supplier Diversity

Achieve 9 percent of Allstate’s total procurement spend with businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by 2015.

ProgressOn Track to Meet Goal

2011 — On target: 5.9%
2010 — 5.4%
2009 — 5.7%
2008 — 4.1%
2007 — 5.0%
2006 — 4.2%

Read more on Supplier Diversity >